Saturday, March 24, 2012

Today off to Belle's and then to milk goats at Herbalists later, girls day out while Poppie works.

This morning we are off to Belle and Groom's house so Poppie can install their new dishwasher.  The girls and I are going along for a day of girls fun.  The girls have  been invited by Missy for lunch, tea, artistic endeavor, a movie and an over all day of fun.  Belle and I are going to play with our drop spindles.  I have been practising with mine, I almost done with my first roving so soon will be able to use the niddy noddy to skein it.  I have decide I will dye my first skein with koolaide dye, a simple dye for my first time out.  I am going to save up all my first skeins and make Bubbie a sweater for this coming winter.  I will probably spend a great deal of time making sweaters for various grandkids, the girls and Poppie before I ever actually decide to selling any of it. Thinking that will be good in that I will be really good at spinning by then and the yarn will be of a good quality before I get a chance to have enough to actually sell, a good thing as all my family will have special items before I see it as a product.  I have gone on line and purchased three sheep shearings, not actually sure what they are called, will have to look it up for the right term.   I thought about getting rovings but number 1 they are expensive and two I think that would sort of be cheating as I am eventually going to have to spin raw wool so might as well jump right in from the beginning. It will give me incentive to get a drum carder or have Poppie make me one.  I have Valkyrie combs and carding brushes, compliments of the Herbalists, but am thinking they are a lot more work than a drum carder.  They will give me an appreciation for having a picker.  I think the best way to want to make working on anything easier is to do it the hard way at least once. Gives you a true appreciation for how hard it is to do and how hard it was in those good old days, that we that think we were born in the wrong time, all long for.  I am just happy to be on the road to learning to spin.  My mother, from the time I was a little girl, always wanted a spinning wheel, I think she actually wanted to use it but not really sure now.  I digress.  Now, if she really did want to learn I can teach her or at least show her the process.  I am a bit miffed that I have chosen the time to learn spinning at the exact same time we have to paint the front room and lay  the new laminate.  I will have to put the spinning on hold, as well as the dying and the skeining, but on the bright side the wool will have arrive by the time I will have time for it.

Mokie and I have to go out an milk two goats later, Poppie and the girls will be feeding the rabbits so a nice drive in store for us.  Maybe there will be new babies to see and make sure are safe while we are there but for now we are going to be off soon to help friends and give Ladies young and old some time to play.... tomorrow.

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