Thursday, January 5, 2012

A ladies day out of sorts, Cubbie and Bubbie going. Shopping at the Zoo.

Just about to leave we have to have Cubbie to a dental appointment at 8:10.  Bubbie is going, Boy is going to school then staying with Poppie the rest of the morning. I hope we are home around noonish.  We are going to do a little grocery shopping, no, no other shopping does anyone really have any shopping money left in January, gotta buy food, no can't do with out it. 

It will be a quick trip in and then maybe a nice afternoon with Poppie.  I hope to get my floor scrubbed, the holidays, 9 dogs and 4 cats are not ideal habitat for any ones carpets and I am not the best at daily vacuuming.  I have finished up the order of Upluks.  I think they all turned out cute, they are a little roomy on Cubbie. I hope that they are ok.  I think a bit bigger is always a plus, one can't enjoy a pair a bit small after all. I got my new yarn yesterday and it was a great surprise, it all looked blue in the photos but in reality it is a lot of natural colors so that is wonderful.  Cubbie after trying on upluks for size, picked out a nice pink, the only non natural color in the bunch, and said "Nannie, this is pink like my Dora"  I think she wants a pair for Cubbie to keep. 

Off to see about a cup a coffee Mokie and the wee girls will be here any minute and I have to get dressed to go.... tomorrow.

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