Friday, January 13, 2012

Princess gets a ride to his new owner, Dr visit, a day away with Poppie.

Poppie and I are off to the Zoo this morning. Poppie has his quarterly Dr visit and we will be taking Princess to drop him off to his new owner.  She is my new Crazy Goat Lady, she will be coming a farther distance than we are to make the exchange.  I hope she likes him and gives him a good home, from all our communications she will and is excited to get him.  I will be picking up two bucklings, that may or may not be.  She was told they were buckling when she got them but she isn't sure they are.  One a la mancha and one a cashmere.  Mokie can't wait to get the cashmere, she is excited to maybe specialize in fiber goats.  My Boers and dairy's are too big for the fibers and Mokie has decided she wants to raise them.  She is going to try and get some one to teach her to shear goats, sheep and alpaca as a further part of raising them.  I will enjoy having the fiber to work with.  I am still hoping to learn to spin I just have to find the time to accomplish it.  I am hoping to find some and get some of the equipment to process it this year.  I think the it is a longer term goal than an immediate one.  I have friends I can tap to help me it is just finding the time.

Poppie hates to have to go to the Zoo even if it is only once in awhile.  It really causes him pain to go that far in a vehicle.  Most people who know Poppie have no idea that he endures as much pain as he does on a daily basis.  He hides it well and as he has worked hard not to limp or to show any of his pain they have to real idea of his difficulties.  He has a lot of pride and is a very private man.  I think we will be home in the early afternoon as we have very little shopping to do, some latex spray for Upluks, maybe a rabbit feed in preparation for the rabbits. Maybe I will take Poppie to lunch and then home.  Poppie is going to make up the rabbit hutches in the next week or so.  We had thought of buying the cages and then putting them in a hutch frame but I think Poppie is now leaning toward making a more traditionally hutch.  He has the wire he will need available and so may just make them.  We would have to pick up some 4x2's. 

I must get on with it as we will be dropping the Ladies off at school and on our way.  Coffee.... tomorrow.

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